Dia lah wanita pertama yang menyulut api cinta dalam hati, orang bilang sih Cinta Monyet (jahat bener ko disamakan dengan darwin). Orangnya hitam manis maklum keturunan Pakistan, Gile gua dapet Indo nih. Tapi dasar kami masih kecil jadi arti cinta itu sendiripun gak ngerti. yang pasti pasti malu-maluin, walaupun waktu itu kami sudah berseragam putih biru alias SMP, tapi itulah tadi , polos…. culun….. malu-maluin. Yang jelas sih kami berkenalan, ya hanya berkenalan, bahkan pertemuanpun bisa dihitung dengan ibu jari.
she is lthe first woman thatlove fire at heart, people spells out members sih Calf love ( bad bener ko compared to darwin). Its(the people is sweet black enunciated Pakistan descendant, Gile dapet Indo nih. But base we still be small become meaning of the love isn’t understand, definitive surely losed face, although at that time we have been blue white uniformed alias SMP, but that is the , artless…. culun….. shames. What is clear we met, yes only meets, even the meeting can be calculated with thumb.
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